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I Want to Help Someone

Quiero ayudar a alguien

Someone I Know Is Being Abused 

Alguien que conozco está siendo maltratada

People experiencing abuse may have different reasons for staying in the relationship, so it will be difficult for them to leave. However, if someone you know is in immediate danger, the situation may require more support or action on your part, especially if the victim is not emotionally or physically able to help him or herself. How can you help them? Click here for more information or call us at (336) 226-5985.


Las personas que sufren abuso pueden tener diferentes razones para permanecer en la relación, por lo que será difícil para ellos irse. Sin embargo, si alguien que conoce está en peligro inmediato, la situación puede requerir más apoyo o acción de su parte, especialmente si la víctima no es emocional o físicamente capaz de ayudarse a sí misma. Como puedes ayudarlos? Haga clic aquí para obtener más información o llámenos al (336) 263-2935.


  • Be patient throughout the process of helping them make their own decision. They may still be in the relationship because they hope that the violence will stop. It is best to help them by providing long-term support and encouragement.

  • Never talk about violence in the presence of the abuser. If the abuser knows that you are aware of the abuse, they may punish that person for reaching out.

  • Provide the person being abused with information they need to seek help. To read about how we at FAS help survivors of domestic abuse click here, or for help outside of our organization, try looking at Helpful Links & Resources.

  • Introduce the abused to a safety plan.









  • Do not physically intervene in the abusive relationship. Instead, call the police directly if you are concerned about their safety.

  • Do not ask the person what he or she did to provoke the violence. You do not want to lead them into believing it is their fault.

  • Help the victim understand what he or she is feeling. Find a private place to talk and ask open-ended and caring questions. For example, “Are you okay? Would you like to talk about it?”

  • Do not make decisions for the victim; rather encourage him or her to seek help. It is usually best to let him or her decide to stay, leave or seek help.

  • If the person being abused does leave the abusive relationship, do not not talk to anyone about their whereabouts.

  • If you notice that someone has a physical injury, try asking them as sensitively as possible about how it happened. Do not ignore it. If you believe they are hiding the truth, do not push them for information.

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